
At Innofique Design, we find it important that you are satisfied. About us, about our product and about our service.

If you have a question, feel free to contact us! You can do so via the contact page, but also via the live-chat function at the bottom right of your screen. You will then be in direct contact with Gerben.

Tip: Take a look at the answers to frequently asked questions.


Assembly service

When purchasing our lamps, you can additionally use our assembly service (this option is offered on the product page).
The costs depend on the ceiling height of the room where the lamps are to be hung.

Height dimensions:

  • 0-3 metres = € 75 per product
  • 3-6 metres = € 125 per product
  • 6-10 metres = € 175 per product


  • Scaffolding material included
  • Height always measured exactly
  • Warranty

Please note:

We assume that there is enough space to place a mobile scaffold of 100x220cm. If this is not the case, special equipment must be used to hang your lamp. An adjusted rate applies. In this case, please contact us in advance.

Frequently asked questions

  • How do I replace the light source of the Atomic ceiling/pendant lamp?
  • I have ordered a lamp, what happens next?
  • I ordered your assembly service as well as a lamp, now what?
  • How can I return an ordered lamp?
  • ....

Click on the button below for answers to frequently asked questions!

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